Disney's "Phineas and Ferb" is a wildly popular animated series created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. I was on the show as story editor and head writer for almost eight years, starting on Season Two through what we THOUGHT was the final season.
But now it's back, baby! We are currently making a FIFTH SEASON of Phineas and Ferb and it will be on a TV near you in the foreseeable future!
Click below to jump to the Disney Phineas site or the Phineas Wiki site or a page of the seventy-eight Phineas books and comics I've written over the years.
But now it's back, baby! We are currently making a FIFTH SEASON of Phineas and Ferb and it will be on a TV near you in the foreseeable future!
Click below to jump to the Disney Phineas site or the Phineas Wiki site or a page of the seventy-eight Phineas books and comics I've written over the years.